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This is a webcam live stream from the city of Leuven, Belgium. The cam is positioned towards the train station (Leuven East) and passing by trains are visible in the distant left part of the stream. The webcam is an indoor, high-end Microsoft LifeCam Studio and streams at 1280x720@30fps resolution. The video codec used is VP8 in the WebM container.

Leuven, Belgium - Latitude: 50° 52' 46.52" N, Longitude: 4° 42' 3.35" E

Facts About Leuven, Belgium.

  • Leuven is the city of the largest and oldest university of the Low Countries, the Catholic University of Leuven, which was founded in 1425. The city is also considered the "university city of Belgium".
  • One of the largest breweries in the world, AB InBev, has its headquarters in Leuven.
  • Leuven is the capital of the region of Flemish-Brabant.
  • The distance between Leuven and Brussels (capital of Belgium) is about 25 kilometers or 15.5 miles.
  • One of the finest Belgian conservatories, the Lemmensinstituut, is located in Leuven.
  • The University hospital, UZ Leuven, is one of the largest hospitals in Europe.
  • The headquarters of IMEC (Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre) are located in Leuven, where companies like Intel, Samsung, SK Hynix, ST Microelectronics, etc are doing R&D for future products.
  • Vincent Rijmen, one of the inventors of the Rijndael/AES encryption standard, was born in Leuven and also studied and worked there.
  • Leuven had in the past one of the finest underground House/Techno clubs of Belgium, called Club Silo. The club may be closed, but the Silo concept continues to exist.
  • Swirl People, an internationally very famous Jackin' / Deep House music project (members: Roel Belmans and Dimitri Dewever), has its roots in Leuven.
  • Leuven's population is about 101.000 people, according to GeoNames' geographical database.
  • The acreage of Leuven is 5751,25 hectares (57,52 km² or 22,20 mi²).
  • Leuven is twinned with 's Hertogenbosch (The Netherlands), Kraków (Poland), Lüdenscheid (Germany) and Rennes (France).